
Costacurta has long-standing experience in manufacturing and supplying mist-eliminators and vico-tex used in chambers to treat seawater in multi-stage flash desalination plants.

This process consists mainly in the desalination of sea water for industrial use or for obtaining drinking water.

There are three main processes: multi-stage flash, thermocompression and inverse osmosis.

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Dessalement machine

Mist-eliminators for multi-stage flash desalination plants

Desalination is carried out by flashing seawater in a vacuum, in a series of cascade chambers, operating at decreasing temperatures and pressures. The chambers have a demister to separate the brine entrainments from the saturated steam and a tube bank supplied with seawater that condenses the saturated steam and preheats the feed water.
Distinctive characteristics of the Costacurta internals used in the desalination process are:

  • Long-standing experience in the design and production of this type of internals
  • Optimised flexible production process
  • Wide range of types and solutions

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